Officers Duties

Post Commander

It shall be the duty of the Post Commander to preside at all meetings of the post and Executive committee and to have general supervision over the business and affairs of the post, and such officer shall be Chief Executive officer of the post. He/She shall approve all orders directing the disbursement of funds, and should make an annual report covering the business and affairs of the post for the year with recommendations for the ensuring year, which shall be read at the first meeting in April, and a copy thereof immediately forwarded to the Department Adjutant. The American Legion officers Guide and an Agenda shall be used and followed by the presiding officer in conducting meetings and the American Legion officers Guide shall be used and followed in conducting Initiation of members, and other ceremonies prescribed therein. He/She shall perform such other duties as directed by the post.

Vice Commander

The First Vice Commander shall assume and discharge the duties of the office of the commander in the absence or disability of the post commander, or when called upon by the post commander. Membership shall be the primary assignment of the Vice Commander. He/She is the teacher of “Democracy”.

Post Adjutant

The Adjutant shall have charge of and keep a full and correct record of all proceedings of all meetings, keep such records as the Department and National organizations may require, render reports of membership annually or when called upon at a meeting, and under the direction of the commander handle all correspondence of the post. He/She keeps the membership records, minutes of meetings, prepares a list of unfinished matters from the minutes of the previous meeting for inclusion in the commander’s agenda, checks up, and assists the work of the other officers and committees, and publishes monthly news letters, official orders, announcements and instructions. All post records shall be at his/her finger-tips; he/she needs ready access to all sources of information, and should develop and maintain a comprehensive tiling system. The Adjutant is primarily concerned with ways and means, his/her office involves a great deal of work, and some degree of compensation should be paid to him/her. The Post Adjutant must be covered by adequate bond, and in all matters relating to finance, should carry on his/her work in close correlation with the finance officer.

Finance Officer

The Finance Officer of the Post shall have charge of all finance and see that they are safely deposited by him/herself or a bonded member in some local bank or banks and shall report once a month to the executive committee and the post, the condition of the finances of the post, with such recommendations as he/she may deem expedient or necessary for raising funds with which to carry an the activities of the post. The Finance Officers monthly report shall include, but is not limited to total income, cost of sales, expenses, accounts received, accounts payable, inventory, a profit and loss statement, any agreement concerning use of facilities and any other information necessary to provide the membership with sufficient information to make decisions concerning these activities and facilities. He/She shall sign all checks disbursing the money of the post. He/She shall furnish such surety bonds in such sum as shall be fixed by the post executive committee. The Finance officer shall serve as chairman of the finance committee and is in charge of all receiving and disbursing of post funds. He/She is given charge of the year’s budget, He/She is given the duty of the payment of all obligation when proper authorization from the executive committee has been given for such payment. The Finance officer must be covered by adequate bond. He/She should serve as advisor and consultant to the Post Auditing Committee since He/She handles the financial records of the post.

Post Chaplain

The Post Chaplain shall be charged with the spiritual welfare of the post comrades and will offer divine but non-sectarian service in the event of dedications, funerals, public function etc., adhere to such ceremonial rituals as recommended by the National or Department Headquarters from time to time. He/She must be a person capable of moral and intellectual leadership and one who gives dignity and respect to the office. He/She should attend all meetings of the post and executive committee. The Chaplain shall serve as chairman of the Sunshine/Visiting/Veterans Administration Voluntary Services (VAVS) Committee which coordinates, the voluntary endeavors of the membership at nearby VA Hospital Facilities. The sick should be visited at home, hospital, or nursing home, comforting of members and their families when sick or bereaved.

Post Historian

The Post Historian shall be charged with the individual records and incidents of the post and post members, and shall perform such other duties as may property pertain to the office as may be determined by the post or the executive committee. The Post Historian is given the responsibility of preserving and compiling the records of this post. There should be close and effective cooperation between the adjutant who works with the records on matters of current interest and the Historian who works with matters of historical matter. He/She shall keep in touch with the Department Historian, and submit a report to tile department historian just before the department convention. He/She should deposit whatever is printed concerning the post in tile local and state libraries, the department archives and the post files. The Post Historian should attend department conventions and keep in touch with other Post Historians. Tile office of Historian is of growing importance. It is a suitable position in which a Past Post Commander may serve. Some helpful suggestions for the Post Historian to become involved are the Post Scrap Book and the Annual Department/National American Legion Oratorical Contest.

Post Service Officer

The Post Service officer is responsible for bringing to the attention of all veterans and their dependents the rights and benefits granted them by law. He/She must know how to utilize the expert services available through legion channels, as well as those of other agencies in his community. His is the job of getting information to the full-time professionals to make certain that every veterans and his dependents are adequately represented. Dependents should be visited by the Post Service Officer as soon as feasible after a veteran’s death. The Post Service Officer shall serve as Chairman of the Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Committee and work closely with the Children and Youth Committee. The Auxiliary Unit, The Post Employment Officer, and the Visitation Committee may frequently need his help.


The Sergeant-At-Arms shall preserve order at all meetings and shall perform such other duties as may be from time to time assigned to him by the Post Executive Committee. The Sergeant-At-Arms should know how to arrange tile meeting hall and should assist tile post commander and adjutant in the preliminary arrangements for the meeting. He/She is custodian of the colors and shall be in charge of the color detail during the presentation and retirement ceremonies of the color. He/She is the flag etiquette person and must be well informed on proper flag display and procedures used in operating a meeting. He/She shall play a leading part in the Post Color Guard, Burial Detail and the other pageantry that is part of the American Legion, The Sergeant-At-Arms shall be chairman of the Welcome Committee. The members of this Committee must welcome new members and guests, make sure they are introduced, and keep the commander advised as to who should be acknowledge. This Committee can also be used to encourage present members to attend meetings.

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